Sunday, April 12, 2015

Something About Elephants and Water

Here Goes Nothing......

After reading Water For Elephants  by Sara Gruen, I was upset. Though before I explain, I would like to thank my teacher Mrs. Callaghan for recommending this book and taking me out of my comfort zone. I usually don't read books after I have already seen the movie so I figured it was time to try something different.

Originally, I was supposed to read this book for another Language Arts class but ended up not doing so because we skipped it, but I guess fate has a way of catching up to us. Anyway I wasn't a fan of the book and I think, like I stated before, if I had not already seen the novel's film adaptation then I might have put more interest towards to story. One thing that I will say That I did enjoy about the book were the clear explanations and insights given on living life apart of a circus. I would be lying if I told you I didn't learn a single thing and I thank Sara Gruen for sharing her intelligence with the world.

On the other hand their isn't a single thing I would change about the book. I liked the fact that the story within the story was told in a form of a flashback, taking reader's back in time to the year 1929, expanding the minds of those who had no idea how much of struggle it was to even survive.

My recommendation to all you future go getter's who have a passion for reading would be NOT to watch the movie or television show before you read the book. Why!? you might ask. Well, for starters the books plot line could be completely different from the novel which has been the case with The Little Mermaid. Another reason could be it could serve as a spoiler which has been the case for many other books like the beloved Harry Potter series. All in all, stick to the text before the screen.

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