Sunday, April 12, 2015

Something About Elephants and Water

Here Goes Nothing......

After reading Water For Elephants  by Sara Gruen, I was upset. Though before I explain, I would like to thank my teacher Mrs. Callaghan for recommending this book and taking me out of my comfort zone. I usually don't read books after I have already seen the movie so I figured it was time to try something different.

Originally, I was supposed to read this book for another Language Arts class but ended up not doing so because we skipped it, but I guess fate has a way of catching up to us. Anyway I wasn't a fan of the book and I think, like I stated before, if I had not already seen the novel's film adaptation then I might have put more interest towards to story. One thing that I will say That I did enjoy about the book were the clear explanations and insights given on living life apart of a circus. I would be lying if I told you I didn't learn a single thing and I thank Sara Gruen for sharing her intelligence with the world.

On the other hand their isn't a single thing I would change about the book. I liked the fact that the story within the story was told in a form of a flashback, taking reader's back in time to the year 1929, expanding the minds of those who had no idea how much of struggle it was to even survive.

My recommendation to all you future go getter's who have a passion for reading would be NOT to watch the movie or television show before you read the book. Why!? you might ask. Well, for starters the books plot line could be completely different from the novel which has been the case with The Little Mermaid. Another reason could be it could serve as a spoiler which has been the case for many other books like the beloved Harry Potter series. All in all, stick to the text before the screen.

Rating The Realness

Family Life by Akhil Sharma

Right off the bat with a title like Family  Life, one would think "Oh, this novel must focus on a family and the individual relationships with one another and somewhere along the way tragedy strikes and slowly dismantles the bonds of love." Ok, maybe I took that a bit far and maybe that's not what the book is about at all, but I will tell you this, the author's message was certainly eye opening.

Whenever tragedy strikes in person's life whether directly or indirectly it hurts. To write about such an experience on paper must cause even more pain but I guess brings a sense of closure in a way as well. After reading the novel, I took time to reflect, and not just on whether or not I actually liked the book but on life. I know it sound pretty sappy and unoriginal but it's the truth. The author, Akhil Sharma has admitted to taking  12 years to write this novel only to "get it right", and in my opinion, he did. Most critics would say that Akhil spent too much time on certain topics and only used that as an excuse to fill up pages but I disagree. I look at it this way, when something traumatic happens in one's life you don't get over it in a finger snap(and if you do I'm convinced your not human). In order to heal a wound and move on past the initial shock you must take time to reflect on every piece of the event that led up to the moment. When the boys father turned to alcoholism as a way of coping with tragedy it was important for the author to drag out descriptions and explanations in order to make the reader FEEL like they were actually there. Without a strong connection with the audience in any form of art or entertainment, your performance or final product means nothing.

Sometime we humans just read the words in a book to just read(I'm guilty of it myself ), but maybe sometimes we need to focus on what feeling is trying to be conveyed rather than how many pages are left until the chapter is over.

Books of My Life

Favorite Childhood Books
  Day of the Dragon King by Mary Pope Osborne
 To be honest, I hated almost all of the books in the "Magic Tree House" series; except for this one. There was always something about two young kids wondering through the crowded streets of China searching for a lost book, that seemed to peek my interest. I guess it was the suspense and angst  behind the possibility of Annie and Jack not finding the book and not being able to go back to reality.

                 Babar's Little Girl by Laurent de Brunhoff
As a young girl, I had my mom read this book to me every night before I went to sleep. I remember when "Babar" the television show aired on PBS right before lunch time, and this book was the first televised adaptation I had seen; from then on I was hooked. Not to mention the elephant is my favorite animal.

A Book that Made Laugh

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me By Mindy Kaling

Some of you might recognize the name of the author because
she not only writes books but is an actress( famously known
for her role on "The Office" as Kelly Kapoor and former
screenplay writer to another hit television show, "Saturday Night Live".
To be honest I hated "The Office" so as you can imagine when I
first spotted my mother reading a book written by one of the shows
characters I wasn't to keen on it. Eventually I decided to take a look
at it myself and couldn't put it down. Oh how incredibly funny
it was! In my mind nothing is funnier than coming across
 embarrassing situations and realizing that you're not the
 only one who has encountered them. This novel will
 most defiantly  turn that frown upside down.

Favorite Book Read For School

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

Now if your life me and into autobiographies/memoirs
than this book will blow your mind. When I had first picked this book
up to read over the summer for my English class, I regretted my choice
before even opening the book. It was HUGE! Ok, maybe I'm
exaggerating but the book was fairly large, and seemingly too
much for me to handle until I started reading. I guess it becomes a
personal thing but I am very keen as mentioned before to relatable
scenarios and this book had all of that, which not only made it enjoyable
but  memorable!

Top Book on My Must Read List

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Ok, so I really don't know anyone who either hasn't read
 this book or seen the movie but either way I've heard its
great. I purchased the book a few months ago only to reach
the halfway mark and never pick it up again. Maybe it's due
to laziness (most likely) or maybe I'm just afraid of
disappointment. What happens if the book is awesome
and I wasted time debating  on something pointless?
Or what if the book turns out to suck and I turn out to
be one of the suckers who purchased the novel based on
opinion? I guess that makes me a hypocrite since I write
a book blog, doesn't it?


So This Is Me....

Hi! My name is Ericka and welcome to my incredibly awesome and non cliché book blog! Just a little background on myself, I am a "Class A" procrastinator, who likes to spend time searching for the best self- empowerment mantras Pinterest has to offer. Oh!, and I also enjoy reading. My favorite genres, just to name a few, would be mystery, autobiography, fiction(to an extent), and drama.

Now, I know what you're probably thinking, wow! what a great introduction, but what can this book blog offer me and how can it reignite my passion for reading?? To be honest, I don't know whether or not my blog will save your relationship with the dust covered books in your bookshelf, but I do know this blog will certainly make you question what it actually takes to be a serious reader. I know we all ask the question whether we're the type to start a book club or  the one who only attends the first meeting because you heard your favorite snack food would be served?

With that said I hope you continue to check in from time to time or until June 12, 2015,when my final blog will be posted, to see what exciting new book related thing I will discuss to hopefully change your  life for the better.  See ya soon!(fingers crossed)